InThe Inkbound CovenantbyBroken Mind TalesWhen Articles Collide: This Week's ReadingsTalk to me, baby…Sep 3, 20241071Sep 3, 20241071
InMr. Plan ₿ PublicationbyBroken Mind TalesThe Shard of Broken Identity: The Tale of Being a Multi-faced Juggernaut (Part 3)The next roll of the dice…Aug 19, 20241092Aug 19, 20241092
InMr. Plan ₿ PublicationbyBroken Mind TalesThe Art of Losing Love: How Depression, Isolation, Abandonment, and Loneliness Turns You Into a…This is not my villain arc…Aug 15, 20241102Aug 15, 20241102
InMr. Plan ₿ PublicationbyBroken Mind TalesA Shard from My Broken Mind: IsolationInterview with an Isolated and Lonely VampireJul 31, 202480Jul 31, 202480
InMr. Plan ₿ PublicationbyBroken Mind TalesThe Shard of Broken Identity: The Tale of Being a Multi-faced Juggernaut (Part 2)MothaF__kers and Mask: They’re the P(K)illa(e)rs of the communityAug 14, 20241001Aug 14, 20241001
InMr. Plan ₿ PublicationbyBroken Mind TalesThe Shard of Broken Identity: The Tale of Being a Multifaced JuggernautPart 1: Who the [bleep] are you?Aug 9, 20241502Aug 9, 20241502
InMr. Plan ₿ PublicationbyBroken Mind TalesComing Soon….Is this a thing?Jul 28, 20242001Jul 28, 20242001
InMr. Plan ₿ PublicationbyBroken Mind TalesThe Tale of a Fractured RealityI hate it here…Jul 24, 20241031Jul 24, 20241031
Broken Mind Tales“Broken Mind Tales: Let Me Introduce MyselfFirst glimpse inside my broken mind :)Jul 13, 20241111Jul 13, 20241111
InMr. Plan ₿ PublicationbyBroken Mind TalesBreak the Soul, Mind The Mummy, and a Tale of Life’s ReturnI am not a fan of reincarnation…Jul 22, 20241441Jul 22, 20241441